Pattie Walker has been a resident of Denton Texas all her life. Patti is a graduate of Denton High School, University of North Texas and Texas Women’s University. She is a mother of five grown children and very active in community organizations, gardening, and volunteering throughout Denton County. Patti has been a teacher for 40 years and a real estate agent for Lane Real Estate for over ten years. She is most enthusiastic about serving her real estate clients in a professional and friendly manner.

Kyle Smith
Kyle has lived in Denton County for 21 years. He has been a licensed Realtor since 2001 and he loves to help people in both the buying and selling of any real estate. He always strives to do such a great job for his clients that they will enthusiastically recommend him to their friends and family. Referrals from happy clients is the best reward. He is experienced in working with clients all over North Central Texas area from homes in the country on acreage to Luxury homes throughout the metroplex. Call Kyle today and see how hard he will work to meet all your real estate needs.

Gary Chang
Gary has been a life long resident of Denton. He received an Economics Degree from University of Texas at Austin. Since completing school, Gary has been in the Real Estate industry for over 20 years. He has experience as project leads in multifamily development-construction, rehab and remodels, as well as up-zoning land with Denton Planning and Zoning Commission. With his wealth of knowledge, he shares a keen interest in helping clients buy and sell their real estate in the most professional manner. You may reach him directly at 940-594-7154